Artiste depuis près de 40 ans, Charlotte expérimente de nombreuses techniques pour développer un style qui lui est propre. Elle choisit de combiner crayons graphite aux aquarelles, aux pastels ou encore à l’Aérographe, créant ainsi un dessin très détaillé mis en évidence par une coloration partielle.

Research, research, research..

After finally deciding what animal she wants to depict, which process itself can be kind of a struggle (Charlotte has endless ideas of animals she wants to portray) she starts by gathering as much information about her subject as possible. She takes photos, does sketches, read about her chosen animal and watches nature films. The more information she finds, the more she can develop her idea.

Make sketches

Next step is sketching. Charlotte executes a number of sketches and drawings to get to know her subject and to determine what angle she wants to use to find her own twist.

Plan the artwork

Once here idea is clear she makes a quick sketch so she can stick to her plan and start her artwork.

Draw the first outlines on art paper

After hours of research, sketching and trying different ideas she finally begins with her piece. The first step is drawing the outline and apply color to areas where she wants color. Charlotte uses acid free art paper and top quality materials, it really affects the outcome, she says, to work with good quality.

The artwork takes form

Creating the artwork takes a lot of time, Charlotte spends numerous hours drawing, changing, adding and correcting.

Evaluate and make small changes

While working a lot with one art piece, Charlotte needs to take a break in order to come back with ”fresh” eyes to see if there are any corrections needed. Many times she works on several art pieces in parallel. "It's perfect, sometimes I need to think about how I would like to proceed with a piece and working on another one often gives me ideas", says Charlotte.

And done!

Charlotte decides that an artwork is finished when she has come back several times to look at the piece. She looks at it in the mirror to see it backwards. A good way, she says, to find errors or things she wants to change. She also shows it to friends and colleagues to get some feed back. From start to finish an artwork by Charlotte Nicolin usually takes several months.

Are you interested in buying Charlotte's original artwork? We are happy to assist you. Please contact us through email

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